About Me

Hi, I am Izzy! Welcome to my site, and thanks for taking the time to read about me.

As you might be able to tell from the title of my site, I live in the Midwestern United States; where the amber waves of grain reside. Despite my rural community, I'm actually a robotics engineer, so I install, program and commission robots for a living.

Outside of work, I usually spend my time making MTG proxies, deckbuilding for EDH, editting pictures I find onliine, and playing video games; though I ocassionaly read about economic and political theory as well. When I travel, my wife and I like to hike at National Parks. We've made it a goal to visit all the National Parks in the contiguous US; so far we've been to all NPs east of the Mississippi River, plus a few out west.

Now that I'm building this site, I will be sharing a lot of my work with you. Be sure to check-in often, as I might've posted more.

Curated Questions

What inspired you to make you website?

I was inspired to make my site by the game Hypnospace Outlaw, which is a love letter to the Web 2.0 era of the internet. After playing it, I was nostalgic for the Wild West days of the internet, where users could create their own sites and interact with each other through them; not just the homogenized and sanitized sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. By making my own site, I can properly express who I am through my creativity, with no real restrictions from a ToS agreement.

In short, I created my site to get away from the corporate internet and make something of my own.

If you were a planeswalker, what color combination would you have?

I want to say that I would easily be a Bant (GWU). However, in the same way that I think 3+ color decks lose the identity of each color, I feel that this response wouldn't adequately describe me. For this reason, I'll look only into color pairs.

Looking at my choices of color pairs withing Bant, I'd most likely align with Azorius (WU), with Selesnya (GW) being a very close second. Ultimately, I choose this because Azorius seeks to create algorithmic heuristic processes to define what is right and good, pushing for perfection in adherence to these principles. In the same way, I am always attempting to challenge my beliefs in an effort to find the truth, regardless of how I feel about it. Like Azorus as well, once I have found the truth, I stand by it dogmatically, pushing for perfection in my adherence to these principles.

If you weren't an engineer, what would you be?

If I weren't an engineer, I would choose to be a lawyer or a teacher, depending on the circumstances.

If I could choose anything without restriction, I would be a lawyer. Specifically, I would choose to be a criminal defense attorney, or a prosecutor, with aspirations of eventually becoming a judge.

If I had to choose an alternative career becasue I couldn't be an engineer anymore (i.e. if I were fired today and barred from engineering), I would choose to be a teacher. I'd choose to teach math and physics at a high school.