August 30, 2024 - Blog Post

I've been working really hard to strike a balance between my site looking good, keeping on the Midwest/farm theme, and keeping the Geocities aesthetic; but I finally gave up. After less than a week of having this site, the Midwest theme was abandoned... I'm not sure what to do now since there will be an obvious disconnect between my site name and it's contents. I thought that I might pivot to just calling myself The Mild Midwesterner, but that sounds incredibly dumb. I mean, worst case could be that I just refer to my site differently from within, since the only reference to Mild Midwest is the URL... All in all, I don't know why I'm getting hung-up over this, it's just a website that no one is going to see.

Unfortunately, adding onto this, work took at turn for the stressful lately as well. A client is currently experiencing an production outage, and they wish to utilize this downtime by reworking an entire automated work zone. Unfortunately, this task means that my team will need to completely reprogram, trial, and certify twenty robots in less than two months time... When I was presented this task, I made it clear that trials alone would take nearly half of the allotted time, but the client insists it must be done. I may need St. Patrick's intercession to help me through this one.

To end on a positive note at least, the antibiotics I got from the clinic do seem to be helping with my sinus infection. At this rate, I would think it'd be cleared up by Sunday.

August 25, 2024 - Blog Post

What better way to start off my blog than to talk about what is plaguing me the most at the moment! A few weeks ago, after a work trip to Kentucky, I believed that I irritated my throat because I had eaten a lot of spicy food during my trip. After about a week or so though, I noticed that my sinuses became congested, which hasn't cleared over the week leading to now. So today, I finally found out that I have a sinus infection, which was the cause of all my issues starting a few weeks ago... Now I get to have the fun of going to the clinic for medicine tomorrow, which admittedly isn't too bad, but I'd rather just not.

In other news though, as you can tell from the date this was posted, it's only been about two days since I started this site! I've been thinking it over for about a month now, so I finally bit the bullet and decided to do it; and so far it seems to be going pretty well. Learning HTML isn't too bad, as it reminds me a lot of the other Structured Text languages I had to learn in college (If you want to know, I haven't used ST languages since college. In my career, if I've programmed from a terminal, it's usually been with Ladder Logic).

Note to Self: You may need to add a detailed About Me page to explain what I actually do is...