The Azorius Signet
Azorius Guard at a guild checkpoint.

Travelling to your destination, you come across a large gate, guarded by an armor-clad man wielding a warhammer. The man puts his hand out before him and calls out:

"Halt, traveler! You have arrived at the Azorius checkpoint; before you can proceed further, I must inquire about your intentions.

"Will you uphold peace during your visit? Or, do you harbor a desire to incite chaos and disrupt the tranquility we hold dear? Know this, citizen, the Azorius will not tolerate the latter, but will steadfastly uphold the former."

"Now, take a moment to reflect upon your convictions and acknowledge the weight of your choices. Once you have embraced the path of a better world, the gate shall open; granting you access to our most coveted city."

The guard appears to be warning you that the content on the following pages may be offensive. By electing to venture forth, you agree to civility and will not attempt to "call-out" the creator on other media platforms.

How do you respond?

"I wish to view the great works of Vanya Falkenrath. If you were to grant me entry, I vow to keep the peace and respect the laws of the land."
"I desire the fine brews of the Izzet alchemists. If you were to grant me entry, I vow to keep the peace and respect the laws of the land."
"I seek the wisdom of the Azorius scribes. If you were to grant me entry, I vow to keep the peace and respect the laws of the land."
"While I seek entrance, I may disrupt the tranquility if your city offends me. For this reason I cannot vow to keep the peace, and choose to return whence I came."